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About Me.



創作範疇廣闊包括:ISEA Open Sky Project 於 ICC 大廈 LED 外牆展出《Inevitable Death of the Universe》;新媒體裝置 - 觀塘海濱第一號窟《沙海》;AR app 黎明《明福俠》、孩之寶《變形金剛》;舞台則有香港舞蹈團《媽祖》、《冰雪奇熊》數碼影像設計;演藝學院《陳蕾 Orange & Blue》視覺及投影設計;中英劇團與演藝學院合辦《他媽的科技》AI 影像及投影設計;香港天籟敦煌樂團多個演奏會的動態影像設計;愛.藝術青年學院《光映躍動》多媒體顧問及製作;香港藝術節《詩》VR 技術顧問。

現為LfxLab 總監,香港天賴敦煌樂團駐團影像設計師,並在演藝學院修讀 MFA 投影設計,同時以多媒體導演、新媒體藝術家及教育工作者身份活躍於業界。

Harry Hung aka H2o

In his early years, he devoted himself to the film and advertising industry, responsible for computer animation and visual effects. Famous films production he was involved in were: "The Twins Effect", "Kung Fu Hustle", "The Promise", "Curse of the Golden Flower", "ManHunt", etc. Later, he served as a guest lecturer in the School of Design of the HK Polytechnic University and the School of Film and Television in the HK Academy for Performing Arts.


He had a wide range of creations, including the ISEA Open Sky Project and exhibited "Inevitable Death of the Universe"; New media installation in Kwun Tong Promenade Cave No.1 “Dunes and Waves”; 3D production of AR app in Leon Lai’s "Blessing Man", Hasbro "Transformers"; Digital image designer of “Mazu the Sea Goddess”, “Magical Adventures of Baby Polar Bear” from HK Dance Company; Visual and projection design in "Panther Chan Orange & Blue" from HKAPA; AI Imaging & projection design of “The Damn Technology” from Chung Ying Theatre Company & HKAPA; Animated video design in various concerts from HK Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble; Multimedia consultant and design of "Projection Dance" from Loving Arts Youth College; VR technical consultant of “Shh”  from HK Arts Festival.

Currently, he is the director of LfxLab, the animated video designer in residence of HK Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble. And meanwhile he is studying an MFA in Projection Design at the HK Academy for Performing Arts. He is now active in the industry as the role of a multimedia director, new media artist and educator as well.

Working Experience


The Hong Kong Academy for Performing ArtsSchool of Film and Television

Lecturer (Visual Screen Art Production and Design)



Founder & Director


Liquid CGI New York
Liquid CGI HK Ltd.

CG Director


Centro Digital Pictures

Lighting & Texture Supervisor


Menfond Electronic Art

Lighting & Texture Artist


+852 3595 2535


h2o at


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